-2009 Life-

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Super Happy ! Memorable 27th of Oct.

First I wanna to say something to my dear friend:

Happy Birthday Jie.Hui !

She is 17 this year and I bought her something
that maybe she likes it
I bought her a keychain of a pink teddy bear with a soldier hat.
I hope she'll like it and I also wish her all the best.

To: Jie.Hui
Next time we go out and have tea kay ?

Lately I haven't been updating my blog cause I was so busy with EXAMS !
I was having exam for the whole month and I don't have much time to rest.
But finally today was the last day of UEC !
That means...
after long time of "WARS" we finally got our freedom back.
Today was the last subject and it was the most important
subject that can made me in to the science stream class.
I was so nervous that the subjective parts I only did 5 ques.
Well, it supposed to do 6 questions but I ran out of time.
So I only did 5 instead of 6 ~
I was so mad at myself why can't I separate the time
equally for me to finish all the 6 questions.
But it has past and I don't wanna think it anymore.
If I think more I'll be so angry of myself.
Well, think of the bright side maybe I'll get into science.
hmm ~ the possibility of getting in is 50-50.

On the 21/10 something bad happened.
Ink and Bong broke up already ~
OMG ! What's wrong.
That day me and nee went to tuition in the afternoon.
Ink joined us after our tuition.
At first I thought nothing happened cause Ink looked happy at all
but after a while she told me that she and bong broke up.
I was shocked at that time and I called bong.
Ink told me that bong cried for her.
I called bong and asked him don't cry.
but Ink is like nothing happened and not sad at all.
I also just consulate bong that he'll find someone better than Ink de.
The world won't stop turning if bong wihtout Ink.
Cheer up though ! Me this half colour sure always there for you de.

Cheers to the Liverpool !
yesterday was a big match.
Manchester United vs Liverpool !
I was so nervous that Liverpool is going to lose again
but who knows that they had won !
Hooray ~ Liverpool always ...

Last last week I went to a diamond ceremony.
The ceremony was organized by Diamoney.
It was my childhood friend who's father is the organizer.
It was at Le Meridien and the photos were in facebook already.
Her name was Jes See and she changed a lot.
She's a talented and good in academic.
She used to be a fat and round girl ~
but now she's so skinny and she continued to learn gymnast !
When I saw her the first sight, I was like WHOA !
She took barces too and now her teeth looks neat and tidy.
She's a state jumper for high jump + long jump + triple jump ~
She also entered a cheer leading association too ~
I was so jealous of her talent and envy her body shape.

Today I didn't go anywhere after exam.
After school dismissed I straightly went home.
It was so boring and I took my bath and took a nap.
I hope my holidays won't like today cause
I'm so gonna be bored and I'm gonna have mushrooms on my head.
Instead, I wanna party every day and go out everyday !
"I gotta feeling...
"That tomorrow's gonna be a good day...
"That tomorrow's gonna be a good day...
"That my holidays gonna be my party days ~

I miss HIM so much although today morning I had seen him
and he accompany to study my math today morning ~
but still I miss him a lot !
He still have UEC exam that haven't finished.

I wish all my senior 3 friends including him
Gambateh and plus oil for UEC.
I wish you guys all the best and wish you guys good luck !

hmm ~ that's all for now

I love you the way you are ~



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